Friday, March 7, 2008

Selene's Cosmology

“What is it?” Reuel inquired, “What do you believe that leaves my master so at odds?” “Your master,” Selene began, “is at odds because he fails to grasp the truth of the nature of the cosmos and chases after fantasy screaming so-called truths at it. Fletcher fails to recognize the truth about the world: it’s growing.” “What?”

“Any child can see that South America fits easily into the African continent,” Selene began, “however, the Pacific continents fit into each other in a similarly perfect scale as well…at least they do on a planet half the size of earth. South America, in fact, does not fit into Africa. Africa must be shrunk 40 percent to do this. Pangaea is impossible—a growing earth is the only way this works. The commonly accepted theory is that of plate tectonics; that is, the continents just slide around the planet but are not actually attached to the planet. Allegedly, earthquakes are caused by these plates bumping into each other. Ha. How many earthquakes do you feel a year? If the plates are so free, they must be flat-out lazy.

“Mountains are not caused by plates pushing into each other. As the earth grows, the outer portion of the crust grows slower than the inner portion causing it to collapse back in on itself. Take North America for instance. Ever wonder why there are mountains on either side of the continent but the Great Plains live up to their name? The Plains have fallen back down as the planet has grown in size. The Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains are old and eroded whereas the Cascades are the most beautiful in the known portions of our galaxy. Plate Tectonics says this is because the Cascades are young mountains freshly made by the North American Plate eating the Pacific and the “Juan de Fuca,” whoever he is. They are right, the Cascades are young, but not because of Plate Tectonics. They are young because they are part of the most recent expansions.

“Oh sure the ‘scientists’ will say things like ‘the density of the planet if it has grown over time would be so great in the past that the dinosaurs could not have reached the great sizes that they did.’ They also point out that the oceans would have covered everything several miles deep. However, they also admit that the oxygen levels we have today would not have allowed them to live. They assume that the earth has always been as it is and thus they beg the question. Nay, the earth produces more matter. Gravity, if different than today, would have been weaker. That is why the dinosaurs could roam the earth. As for the oxygen levels and the oceans, molecules released from the earth’s core would have created both; Earth used to be much like Mercury or Mars. A thinner atmosphere would have allowed the dinosaurs to live.

“As for the oceans, they were made over time, as I said. Sure, we find marine life fossilized all the time. Where do we find them? On land, that’s where. There would have been water in ancient times, of course, but it would not have been in the form of oceans. Even the ‘scientists’ admit that the ocean floor is no older than 70 million years. The continents are three times that age. This says that the ocean was formed more recently: earth is expanding.”

Conrad piped up, “You kep saying zat, but how does zis expansion hapen?”

“It all has to do with ‘prime matter.’ Prime matter is a substance that cannot be seen or felt or measured or documented in anyway. They are everywhere. They consist of one positron and an electron. The perfect balance of their charges renders them undetectable. However, occasionally the prime matter particle is hit by a piece of energy that makes it turn inside out. Usually it does not amount to anything. However, when it occurs in the plasma core of a planet, or sun, or nebula, or black hole, it is sustained for long enough that five layer of other prime matter lay on top of the new proton that is encased by an electron making a hydrogen atom. Repeated a couple trillion trillion times and the universe is built.”

“Vat about neutrons?” Conrad asked. “There are no Neutrons,” Selene responded. Reuel then questioned, “But moving back to plate tectonics, how is it that you know it’s wrong?”

“Because subduction is wrong. Think about it: they—the ‘scientists’—ask you to believe that a plate, made of rock, is pushed into magma which is twice as dense as solid granite. That makes it impossible, of course, but let’s say it happens anyway. If subduction does happen then the amount of strain for the plates to go under each other should leave the oceans—the primary subduction zone suspects—ragged, but they are smooth and completely lack signs of subduction. If their theory is true and the earth always remains the same size, we would expect the same amount of earth that disappears to reappear elsewhere. However, the mid-ocean ridges are far larger than any ‘subduction zones.’ Finally, in a subduction zone, one plate ‘subducts’ to the other. This would mean that one side should be much, much older than the other. The two sides are always the same age. There is no subduction.

"There is one other thing to keep in mind. When we look at other planets, or even the moon, we can see the expansion marks that we see on the ocean floor. We cannot see plates on the other planets. We have decided that earth is not the center of the universe; earth is not ‘special.’ As such, we cannot treat it differently than the other planets. There is no subduction, only expansion.”

Reuel had one more question, “Why are you so bitter against scientists?” Selene answered, “Because they hide the truth! They are afraid. They are cowards. They hide behind outdated ideas. Their system of physics leaves no room for prime matter and must be reworked. They even believe in gravity when it is an electromagnetic field that keeps celestial bodies in their paths.” “You don’t believe in gravity?” Reuel wondered, but Conrad said, “It’s time for us to go.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In the fifteenth year after Fletcher received his commission, the religious world was rocked. A Catholic priest from California had read the scriptures of Matthew 18 and 1 Corinthians 6. The priest was very frustrated with the vast corruption that had swarmed through the Church in America. He was even more frustrated that the Church had not taken enough steps to correct these errors. The scriptures plainly stated that the Church was to have responsibility in such matters, but she was not accepting it. After many months in prayer, the priest acted with a clear conscience. The Second Reformation had begun.

The First Reformation placed northern and southern Europe at odds. The Second Reformation did the same with west and east America. The Californian priest raised enough of a ruckus that much of the West Coast followed his lead. This was the birth of the First Federalist Church. And at odds the two parts of the country were. The First Federalist Church was still Episcopalian (hence, Federalist) and still essentially very Catholic. As such, Protestants of the former Reformation were not impressed. No place was more of a hotbed than the State of Jefferson, placed directly between California and Cascadia.

Meanwhile, followers of Fletcher were in mourning. The Federalist Church had built a new building on a spot of local development. The disciples were already distraught, but this pushed them even farther. They were troubled because what had become developmental land had once been the most sacred of spots where Fletcher had received his commission. A decree had gone out that the disciples could meet in 7-11s everywhere, but for a time the pain remained.

Nevertheless, the disciples went out to protest the Federalist Church. In most circumstances, they would have remained silent in their time of mourning, but Father O’Reilly had very publically switched to the Federalist Church and it was he who would preside over the new building. In going to the desolate spot, they encountered something most surprising: the dark lady.

“Selene!” cried Fletcher, “What are you doing here?!” “I have as much right to be here as you do,” Selene responded. “You have no right to be anywhere in this fair land.” “Always a charmer.”

“Who is this?” Reuel asked his leader. “A heretic, a nuisance, and evil in human form.” “Come now,” Selene said, “I’ve been at work all this time and you haven’t told your followers of me?” “I teach them truth, not of the followers of heresy,” Fletcher retorted. “But if you wish, you may tell them of your version of the truth, I, however, won’t stand to hear it.” As Fletcher stormed off, Reuel and Conrad turned to Selene, confused and a little afraid. “Go ahead,” Conrad said.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Prophet Appreciation Day

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish that man would go away

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Continuing Teachings and Adventures of Fletcher

As they congregated at the 7-11, Fletcher’s disciples came to him and asked, “Our leader, what is the biggest problem facing mankind today?” Fletcher responded, “What do you think?” “George Bush!” answered one. “Global warming!” said another. “Close,” Fletcher said, “and you have listened to my teachings closely. However, the greatest problem the world now faces is overpopulation.”

“Really?” answered Reuel, “um, have you ever been to Nebraska, or Kansas, or a Dakota?” “The Disney catastrophe will take care of that,” retorted Fletcher. He continued, “A combination of global warming and a broken water ride at Disney World will be the downfall of Florida. Disney Land will bring so much tourism that it will cause the state to actually sink into the sea! California will survive two more earthquakes before this calamity befalls them. Following this, Disney will relocate in Montana and a new empire will be forged stretching from Helena to Bismarck.” “Will anyone actually live there?” “No.”

“What are the implications of a large population?” asked Reuel. “It’s incredible that so few understand that we are all doomed. China, India, and most of the world cannot lift themselves out of poverty because of their massive populations. Only by aggressive, mandatory birth control can these countries correct themselves.”

“Sir,” Reuel inquired, “these countries are already unbalanced—China specifically. China’s one child rule leaves two middle-aged people for every child. They will already face problems in a generation when the work force is trying to support twice their population. Doesn’t your solution make this problem even worse? How will the people survive?” “They won’t need to worry about that as they’ll keep growing in number that they must kill each other for food. Like blind fools, we continue to listen to the selfish ramblings of the Vatican and their allies. God’s judgment has already been passed on them. There is no time left for arguing.”

“Von last question,” the follower Conrad Merwerdich-liebe asked, “shal ze…inkonvenience…of the birt kontrol affect ze men or ze vomen?” Fletcher responded, “Let it be by lot, by which I mean let us vote.” The noses were counted and it was decided amongst his followers by a count of 33-2 that the women should be inconvenienced. It was also decided that more women should be added to their number. Meanwhile, the group left with grand smiles on their faces—especially that of Merwerdich- liebe’s—ready to face the future.

The assembly dispersed when a mob composed of the Young Republicans and Father O’Reilly parishioners attacked.